
Tales from the Red Dragon Inn

Created by SlugFest Games

If you missed the Kickstarter campaign, we've got you covered! You can still get this 1-4 player cooperative dungeon crawl board game starring characters from The Red Dragon Inn!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Progress Report - November 2022
over 1 year ago – Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 07:14:54 PM

Hey Slugfans!

We’re diving into the winter season and still bashing monsters in dungeons! Progress on the game is still being made with multiple successful blind run throughs of Chapter 1 to stress test the rulebooks with newbies. These real life sessions have helped us to tweak the size and count of punchouts as well as clarify game concepts in ways that improve the rulebooks.

Production prototype components glorious on the map.

We are also on the way to wrapping up Chapter 3’s maps and components. That’s more than half the scenarios in the can!

We have also just launched a brand new lightweight game We have also just launched a brand new lightweight game. You’re stuck with your rideshare parked somewhere nearby, and the app is malfunctioning. Text messages are going crazy, and the driver is only responding with seemingly random emojis. It all leaves you asking yourself one simple question: Where’s My Ride?

Where’s My Ride? is our brand new cooperative game of deduction and miscommunication for 2-7 players, designed by David Kessler. You and your friends are divided into a party of Riders and a single Driver, trying to meet up for a ride-share. Riders will use a deck of quirky, autofilled text messages to try and communicate with the Driver and find out where they are parked. Unfortunately, the Driver can only react to the messages with emojis! Will you find your Driver before the app cancels the ride and gives everyone a dreaded 1-out-of-5 star rating!?!

The new game has just launched on Kickstarter with its own sweet backer-only content and a kickstarter-exclusive expansion: Meow’s My Ride?. The game is light and fast, and a great way to kick off or round out a game night with some puzzling lighthearted fun. We’ve even got a mod available for Tabletop Simulator on the Steam Workshop that you can play. So give the brief rules a skim and hop onto our Discord server to find a game!

We also have this handy how-to-play video that can catch you up to speed on the ins-and-outs of the game:

The campaign will run from now through December 8th. We will be on Twitch tonight for our Launch Day stream where you can watch the game, ask questions, and maybe even play along! We hope to see you there!

Progress Report Q4 2022
over 1 year ago – Thu, Oct 06, 2022 at 10:10:27 PM

Hello, backers.

We’re reaching out to you today because we must announce a delay in the release of Tales. This project has been complex and has taken more effort than we anticipated. As such, we no longer think that our February delivery estimate is realistic.

The new delivery estimate for Tales is June 2023.

We apologize for this delay. The rest of this update is to answer specific questions you may have around this campaign and to show you a little bit of our recent progress.

Why the delay?

This is, by a HUGE margin, the largest and most design-intensive game we’ve ever produced. Tasks like playtesting, rules writing, and art and layout, have taken longer than we anticipated. While we are very happy with the quality of the game that we’re making, that quality has come with a very high cost in time and effort.

We kinda wish we could blame this delay on the manufacturing and freight problems that have delayed so many Kickstarter projects recently, but we can’t - this delay is entirely on us. It is possible that there may still be manufacturing and supply chain-related delays later on down the line, but we believe our current estimate accounts for these surprise delays. Of course, we can’t see the future with 100% accuracy, and this current delay is an unfortunate reminder of that.

Can I get a refund?

Yes. You may cancel your pledge and get a full refund by contacting us at [email protected]. No questions asked, no offense taken.

Will refunds to some backers affect the delivered game that other backers receive?

No way! All stretch goals and content are already accounted for and will continue to be a part of the delivered game, including the bonus content promised to all backers. We would like to emphasize that the funds for the project are still earmarked for the project and we don’t anticipate any problems with that, even if some backers decide to cancel.

If I still want the game, do I have to do anything?

No. This isn’t one of those Kickstarter campaigns where everything unravels and the creators start cutting content or worse, passing around the hat for extra money. As we said above, we still have all of the funds we need to manufacture the game - it’s just taken us longer than anticipated to create the files needed to send off to the manufacturer.

What progress have you made?

A whole lot, actually! Recent work has included layout on a bunch of scenario maps (available here: SPOILERS! Map 1, Map 4 and Map 16), a full reference manual (available here: Reference Manual) and a walkthrough guide leading players all the way through chapter 1 (available here: SPOILERS! Walkthrough). In addition, our manufacturer is generating a physical prototype of chapter 1 that we can use for some in-person playtest sessions.

To emphasize again, the game is progressing and we don’t anticipate any kind of serious project failure. It’s just taking us longer than we expected, and we’d like to apologize for that.

Thanks for your patience.

Jeff Morrow

President, SlugFest Games

Progress Report - August 2022
over 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 09:56:10 PM

Greetings Slugfans!

This month’s Progress Report is a bit early and short as this month is packed with a bunch of SlugFest Games business-side stuff including recovering from Gen Con, launching a new Kickstarter, and starting up streaming again. Let’s dive into what’s up with Tales first:

Nothing too visually exciting is being worked on for Tales this month. The primary focus of development is now on rules consistency across the various documents that will be used to teach players how to play the game.

Last month we mentioned that the first draft for the Walkthrough and Chapter 1 have been completed. Now they are being cross referenced with our Reference Manual to have their language tightened up so everything matches across the documents. That’s dozens of pages to be reviewed between three different rules documents that are all very important to making sure you play the game right each time you set up a new scenario! We know that sounds intimidating, but don’t worry! The game is still built on many simple to understand concepts, and we are making sure that those ideas stay clear between the various places you’ll be looking them up. Considering these documents weren’t wrapped up till just before Gen Con and we only just got back from Gen Con, we’re only a few days into linking these documents together. Once this is done, Chapter 1 will be used as a template for translating the plain-text versions of the rest of the campaign to its final production quality version.

Just in case you weren’t aware, instructions on how to play the game are divided across three primary kinds of documents:

  • Walkthrough Guide: A tutorial guide that will introduce game concepts on a need-to-play basis as it guides you through the first Chapter of the game. This is the “quickstart” guide for the game.
  • Chapter Scenario Book: Each scenario will have its own section in a Scenario Book, detailing what special rules or conditions you’ll need to pay attention to, as well as your objectives for each map in the game. These entries will also provide brief reminder text for various recurring game concepts like the kinds of terrain your heroes will be traversing.
  • Reference Manual: This is your reference guide for looking up full rules explanations for game concepts. The Appendix is there to answer borderline or confusing situations, and to explain complex game interactions.

In addition to making sure the rules are ready to help you play, we’re also working on the rest of the punchout sheets and box layout. Stuff like figuring out the best way to arrange tokens as well as the “shape” of all the bits.

The cutlines (on the left) need to line up with the artwork (on the right). The tricky bit is that the flipside of the artwork needs to line up perfectly too!

Yesterday we launched the Kickstarter for Chaos in Copperforge, our latest expansion to Battle for Greyport. And it’s already funded! The new expansion contains all the content BFG fans have asked us for: New heroes to play, new enemies to fight, new mechanics to play with and new bosses to defeat.

Speaking of new mechanics, the signature mechanic for BFGC is Contraptions. Contraptions are special split cards that first come attached to monsters, providing them with a variety of challenging advantages. The two new decks of monsters featured in the expansion both utilize this new mechanic, creating some wild combinations of abilities you’ll have to overcome! That being said, when you take down one of these monsters, you’ll immediately gain access to that cool equipment they brought with them, just in time to help you take down more monsters!

Click here to see more about the game!
Click here to go to our Twitch channel!

We’re also going to be returning to streaming this month! The first stream is tonight at 4pm Pacific (7pm Eastern) over on Twitch. Jeff, Jen and Sam will do battle against Grommit, one of the new bosses featured in BFGC. Watch them succeed or fail live on stream while they field your questions.

And that’s it for the update! Thank you for your support, and we hope to see you on Twitch soon!

Progress Report - July 2022
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Jul 31, 2022 at 02:21:53 PM

Hello Slugfans!

Another month of work on Tales is under our belt! We’re still working on layout, writing, and swanky new plastics as we move forward with physical prototyping. We also have Gen Con coming up next week and the Kickstarter campaign for an expansion to Battle for Greyport on the horizon!

SlugFest Games will be at Booth 611 this year! You’ll find us in the front near the entrances on the East end of the Exhibit Hall. We will be running demos of Red Dragon Inn, Dungeon Decorators and Tales. Come by and try a game, or just say hello! We’ll have some sweet Tales related things for you to check out, including the new miniatures and dice.

If you’ll be joining us, make sure to swing by the Gen Con Health and Safety Update to make sure you’re in the know about safety requirements for the show.

Speaking of Cool Tales related stuff, we’ve been working on a variety of production-end tasks for the game. Through June we were updating all the card text and layouts and working on the various books. Throughout July we’ve completed the first draft of the walkthrough guide and Chapter 1 scenario book and are currently working on the punch board sheets for all the hundreds of punchouts in the game.

Gotta squeeze all the tokens onto the punch sheet! Still a WIP!

We have also received the final production proofs for the game’s dice and miniatures and they are fantastic! The dice have a great color with excellent cut-ins for the “pips” and icons. We had mentioned in the last update that the pictured dice were painted and a bit rough. The production dice are brilliant.

New dice in glorious inked plastic!

The new miniatures are sturdy, made from durable injection molded plastic that has survived some drop tests and playing-with by a 6-year old. Our manufacturer has done a great job with minor adjustments to the sculpts to support injection molding while preserving their detail. In case you didn’t know, miniatures for full production runs of a board game are usually cast plastic that is injected into a steel two-part mold. If a model has a lot of dimensionality it will need additional assembly after casting, like gluing on arms and such.

The minis look great and best of all they arrived just in time for Gen Con! So folks at the show will actually get to hold the final version of the minis!

Demo components are looking rad! Still all prototype/WIP stuff though.

Since we had the final version of the minis and dice on hand, we decided to also update the demo version of the game for Gen Con. This was an excellent excuse to trial run the shapes and size of tokens and standees and get a real world feel for a physical version of the game. 

While there are still some adjustments to make - like altering the Ability Tiles and adjusting the shape and size of the standees - this updated demo will look great on the table and give us a solid perspective on where we need to take the punch board sheets.

The demo is all laid out. It even all fits on just one leaf of a dining room table!

Last but not least, earlier this week we shared a preview of the upcoming Kickstarter for Battle for Greyport: Chaos in Copperforge which is launching on August 17th!

For those of you unfamiliar with the game, Battle for Greyport is a cooperative deck building game. The players will recruit decks made of heroes and items, and lead them into battle with their character leading the charge. Defend your friends and save locations from attacking bands of monsters as you fight your way to an epic boss!

We are very excited about the expansion and would love your feedback! You can download the fully playable TableTop Simulator mod for BFG:CC on the Steam Workshop and provide more detailed feedback about the campaign itself on this Google Form.

And that’s a wrap for this progress report! As you see, we’re dialing in the production-end of Tales while tackling other exciting projects. Thanks for your time!

Progress Report - June 2022
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 01:06:25 AM

Hello SlugFans!

We are back from the UK Game Expo (where Dungeon Decorator's won an award!) and it's time to share how Tales development has been going!

We have been working through updating the game components from cards to maps to books with final artwork and layout. We are deep into drafting the authoritative version of the rule documents you'll need to play the game. Since the last update we have finished the illustration layout work for all of the cards, and have been updating the final text of the cards. We have also been reviewing new prototype miniatures and dice from the manufacturer.

In case you missed it, we uploaded pictures of prototypes for all of the game's miniatures into two albums on Google Photos. One album contains only miniatures from stuff available in the first chapter of the game. The second album contains miniatures from later in the campaign that you may consider to be spoilers for the game's story. You can check out either or both albums at the following links:

But that's all old stuff, how about the new prototypes? We received some roughs for the dice that will be included in the game. These samples are used to primarily establish which die faces go where and how big they should be. What you'll see in the following image are printed versions of the dice that have been painted, hence why you'll see some color bleed and chipping. The actual dice will be made from different colors of plastic with only the recessed symbols inked.

We really like the size and feel of the dice and hope you will enjoy all the fun of blasting your foes for massive damage!

Speaking of adventures, we have also been hard at work creating finished versions of all the scenario book entries. Scenarios will be detailed in full, with entries rich with reminders about common game mechanics while diving into features that make each scenario unique. You will also get some helpful advice from Wizgille, who will be popping in from time to time when a particularly tricky bit of the scenario needs some extra 'splaining.

The project is deep into a whole bunch of fine tuning work now, and we haven't even mentioned the glossary and support documents! We'll keep watching the comments for your questions, and we'd love to have you over at our Discord where you can chat and play our games, but for now it's time we get back to finishing the game!

Until next time, happy adventuring!